

Up-to-date information about Minoan Lines and Grimaldi Lines ferry companies

Thursday, 25 March 2021 15:58

Early booking offer extended until 30 april 2021

Traghetti Grimaldi Minoan Lines 2021 | Early booking extended Minoan Agencies Srl

The early booking offer has been extended until 30 April 2021.

Moreover, no penalty will be applied to newly issued tickets cancelled within 31/05/2021.

We remind you that the early booking offers a 20% reduction on Grimaldi Minoan Lines ferries on the Italy - Greece connections: Ancona Igoumenitsa, Ancona - Patras, Ancona - Corfu.

Customers who want to book with more peace of mind can subscribe to a travel cancellation insurance at a cost of € 10 per person, which can be selected independently on the online booking system or by requesting it by phone from our booking centre.

To calculate your own quote, please access the online booking system.

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