

Up-to-date information about Minoan Lines and Grimaldi Lines ferry companies

Monday, 03 May 2021 07:57

Early booking 15% offer extended until 31 may 2021

Grimaldi Minoan Lines ferries 2021 | Early booking extended Minoan Agencies Srl

The early booking offer has been extended until 31 May 2021. If you purchase a ticket by this date, you will receive a 15% discount, which can be accumulated with the other offers on the Italy - Greece connections: Ancona IgoumenitsaAncona - PatrasAncona - Corfu.

Moreover, no penalty will be applied to newly issued tickets cancelled within 30/06/2021.

Customers who want to book with more peace of mind can subscribe to a travel cancellation insurance at a cost of € 10 per person, which can be selected independently on the online booking system or by requesting it by phone from our booking centre calling +39 071 201708.

To calculate your own quote, please access the online booking system.

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