Port of Palermo
Useful information for departures with Grimaldi Lines ferries from the Palermo port
Ticket office contacts
Grimaldi Group
Porto Stazione Marittima
Via Cardinale Dusmet
Molo Piave
90133 Palermo
Phone n. +39 091 6014517
The check-in procedure varies depending on the destination you are travelling to:
Check-in ferries to Livorno
For departures to Livorno you can use the fast check-in: the ticket in your possession must be shown directly to Grimaldi Lines staff under board presenting you at least 2 hours before departure.
Check-in ferries to Salerno
In order to check-in for departures to Salerno, please show up at Grimaldi Lines desk inside the Maritime Station at least 2 hours before the departure.
Check-in ferries to Tunisia
In order to check-in for departures to Tunis, please show up at Grimaldi Lines desk inside Maritime Station at least 3 hours before the departure. Boarding operations end 1 hour before departure. Once the time limit has passed, the right of embarkation is lost, even if in possession of a regular reservation.
Ferry lines from the port of Palermo
Palermo Livorno
Palermo Salerno
Palermo Tunis
How to get to the port of Palermo by car
The port of Palermo is located in the city center, so from every direction follow the signs for the center until you reach Via Emerico Amari which leads to the entrance of the port.